Middle School and BeyondThe one year book of Josh McDowell's youth devotions 2 Call #: 242.63 MCD McDowell, Josh. Published 2003 Presents Scripture verses and readings for each day of the year, designed to help young people make good choices in their daily lives. Medieval costume and how to recreate it Call #: 391 HAR Hartley, Dorothy. Published 2003 Interest Level: Adult Provides descriptions of clothing and accessories worn from the twelfth through the fifteenth centuries, grouped by social group or standing, and includes instructions for creating medieval costumes, as well as notes on materials. Cassellʾs Spanish-English, English-Spanish dictionary = Diccionario español-inglés, inglés-español. Call #: 463.21 CAS Published 1978 Interest Level: Adult Includes new terms and phrases, verb tables, proper names, grammatical information, and Latin-American terms. A universe from nothing : why there is something rather than nothing Call #: 523.1 KRA Krauss, Lawrence Maxwell. Published 2012 Interest Level: Adult Theoretical physicist Lawrence Krauss offers answers to basic philosophical questions, Where did our universe come from?, Why is there something rather than nothing?, and How is it all going to end?, and presents the evidence that explains how our universe evolved. Basic sewing Call #: 646.2 BAS technical consultant, Chris Jefferys. Series: 101 essential tips Published 2004 Interest Level: Young Adult Provides one hundred photo-illustrated sewing tips on tools, threads and fabrics, basic stitches, patterns, seams, taking in fabric, waistbands, hems, necklines and collars, sleeves and cuffs, fastenings, and mending. The new hide or seek : building confidence in your child Call #: 649.1 DOB Dobson, James C., 1936- Published 1999 Interest Level: Adult Dr. Dobson provides practical instructions for parents to help them boost their children's self-esteem and confidence and offers advice on dealing with their fears of inferiority and ridicule by their peers, shaping their will without breaking their spirit, and maximizing their educational potential. . Tom Sawyer Call #: 741.5 MUC Mucci, Tim. Published 2008 Interest Level: Young Adult Lexile: GN 400 A graphic novel adaptation of Mark Twain's "Tom Sawyer", in which Tom Sawyer finds adventure and friendship along the Mississippi River. Claude Monet, 1840-1926 Call #: 759.4 HEI Heinrich, Christoph. Interest Level: Adult Full-color reproductions of paintings and text provide an introduction to the life, style, and techniques of French Impressionist artist Claude Monet. Lives of the musicians : good times, bad times (and what the neighbors thought) Call #: 780.92 KRU Krull, Kathleen. Published 1993 Reading Level: 6.3 Interest Level: 5-8 Lexile: 1010 The lives of twenty composers and musicians, ranging from Vivaldi, Mozart, and Bach to Gershwin, Gilbert & Sullivan, and Woody Guthrie, are profiled in this eclectic, humorous, and informative collection. Alexandria = Agora Call #: DVD ALE 9-12 Published 2009 Sob o domínio Romano, a cidade de Alenxadria é palco de uma das mais violentas rebeliões religiosas de toda história antiga. Judeus e cristãos disputam a soberania política, econômica e religiosa da cidade. Entre o conflito, a bela e brilhante astrônoma Hypatia (Rachel Weisz) lidera um grupo de discípulos que luta para preservar a biblioteca de Alexandria. Dois deles disputam o seu amor: o prefeito Orestes (Oscar Isaac) e o jovem escravo Davus (Max Minghella). Entretanto, Hypatia terá que arriscar a sua vida em uma batalha histórica que mudará o destino da humanidade. Uma mente brilhante=A brilliant mind Call #: DVD MEN 9-12 Published 2005 Premiado com 4 Academy-Award, incluindo o Oscar de Melhor Filme, “Uma Mente Brilhante” foi dirigido por Ron Howard, premiado com o Academy-Award e produzido pelo seu parceiro de longa data, igualmente premiado com um Academy-Award, Brian Grazer. “Uma Mente Brilhante” conta com Russel Crowe no papel principal, num extraordinário desempenho como o brilhante matemático John Nash, que prestes a obter o reconhecimento internacional quando se envolve numa misteriosa conspiração. Agora, só lhe resta a dedicada esposa (Jennifer Connelly, vencedora de um Academy-Award) para ajudar nesta fascinante história de coragem, paixão e triunfo. 10 anos de governo pós-neoliberais no Brasil : Lula e Dilma Call #: PORT 320.981 ANO Emir Sader (org.). Published 2013 Como avaliar as enormes transformações pelas quais o Brasil passou ao longo da última década? O país foi palco de profundas mudanças desde que elegeu o Partido dos Trabalhadores. Compreender e refletir o seu legado tornou-se uma tarefa incontornável para pensar os rumos do País. Coeditado pela Boitempo e pela Faculdade Latino-Americana de Ciências Sociais sede Brasil (Flacso Brasil), com reflexões de alguns dos mais destacados pensadores brasileiros, como Marilena Chauí, Marco Aurélio Garcia, Marcio Pochmann, Luiz Gonzaga Belluzzo, José Luis Fiori, Luis Pinguelli Rosa e Paulo Vannuchi. A peregrina Call #: PORT 823.4 BUN Bunyan, John, 1628-1688. Published 2006 Este volume constitui a continuação de O peregrino. Foi lançado em 1684, seis anos após a publicação do primeiro volume. Esta edição em português traz diversas inovações. A nova tradução (1999) combina fidelidade ao texto integral de Bunyan com linguagem atual. Trata-se da mais recente edição brasileira do grande clássico. A peregrina faz parte da maior obra de ficção na história do cristianismo. Para milhões de leitores, a história de Cristão e sua esposa serve como supremo modelo de perseverança em meio a dificuldades. Inclusão escolar de crianças com Síndrome de Down Call #: PORT TR 371.9 VOI Voivodic, Maria Antonieta M. A. Published 2013 O livro analisa as formas de viabilizar condições para que as crianças com Síndrome de Down possam freqüentar o ensino regular utilizando os apoios necessários para uma educação inclusiva de qualidade. Creative correction : extraordinary ideas for everyday discipline Call #: RP 248.8 WHE Whelchel, Lisa. Published 2005 Interest Level: Adult Contains creative methods to help in disciplining children when timeouts and grounding no long works. Teaching English in missions : effectiveness and integrity Call #: TR 266.02 DOR Dormer, Jan Edwards. Published 2011 English teaching is common in missions today. However, there has been relatively little discussion on what contitutes effectiveness in English ministries. This book aims to foster such discussion. It first addresses issues of concern in English ministries and then suggests criteria for effectiveness, considerations in teacher preparation, and models for the teaching of English in missions. The first-year teacher's survival guide : ready-to-use strategies, tools & activities for meeting the challenges of each school day Call #: TR 371.1 THO Thompson, Julia G. Series: Jossey-Bass teacher Published 2007 Interest Level: Professional Presents strategies, professional tools, and materials designed to help first year teachers approach their jobs with confidence and professionalism, covering such topics as organization, behavior problems, evaluation, stress management, and others. Includes a list of resources. I read it, but I don't get it : comprehension strategies for adolescent readers Call #: TR 428.4 TOV Tovani, Cris. Published 2000 Interest Level: Professional The author, a reading specialist, shares some of the problems she has faced in her own classroom; explains how she addressed the dilemma, focusing on what good readers do to make sense of text; and offers suggestions teachers can use to make content more accessible. Leave a Reply. |