What Are Ends Policies? Beginning in January 2021, the PACA Board of Directors is approaching its governance role in a different manner. The board is responsible to establish PACA’s expectedEnds, which state the expected results we strive for each student in the broadest sense.
An important reminder is that Endsstatements are not meant to “say it all.” (PACA’s Expected Student Outcomes provide that.)Ends Policy ismeant to be both brief and bold — providinga unique and memorable daily backdrop for teachers’ instruction and students’ learning. Achievable for every student, they paint a broad picture and define success now and in the future. Thus, measurement of achievement will not end on graduation. Maturity being a life-long process, PACA will follow its graduates for decades, attempting to measure its achievement via their feedback (and that of their parents).
ENDS POLICY PROPOSAL Pan American Christian Academy students are... Ends Policy 1.1: whole, evidenced by... - loving God with heart, soul, mind, and strength, - loving neighbors as oneself, - living in the fear of the Lord. Ends Policy 1.2: achievers, evidenced by... - exhibiting a growth mindset, - owning the learning, - solving authentic problems. Ends Policy 1.3: stewards, evidenced by... - caring for time, resources, and talents, - caring for God’s creation, - caring for God’s Kingdom. Ends Policy 1.4: catalysts, evidenced by... - being a servant, - developing as a leader, - being salt & light.