Lasso a Book & Read
Each year PACA Elementary students look forward to our Annual Elementary Reading Contest! The theme for this year’s Reading Contest is “Lasso a Book & Read."
We will be kicking off our Reading Contest on Friday, September 30. Students will participate in activities, art projects, music, games, and stories about space. It will be a wonderful time of learning and fun for Elementary students. During the Reading Contest, we are asking students to read every day to establish the habit of reading for pleasure and to strengthen their reading skills. The reading time expectation is: 15 minutes - Kindergarten (may be read to) and 1st grade 20 minutes - 2nd and 3rd grade 25 minutes - 4th and 5th grade |
Your child may read in English and/or Portuguese. Reading homework or book reports can be counted toward the time expectation. Students need to read 5 days in a week (which allows two “free” days a week if needed).
There will be additional activities and special events that will take place throughout the month of October. Please see the Reading Contest Calendar for more information. We hope that this is the beginning of a lifelong love of reading for your child, and your child is excited to “Lasso a Book & Read." If you have any questions about the Reading Contest, please contact me [email protected] Sincerely, Brenda Stockment Elementary Principal P.S. We ask for parent participation by taking photos of your children reading at home and post them using the following social media tags: @pacaschool #pacareadingcontest #lassoabookandread |