Student HandbookHandbook Version 1.0 updated on July 28, 2024.
Dear PACA Parents and Students, You are invited to download and view the digital version 1.0 2024-2025 Student Handbook. A Portuguese version is also available right below. For cost-effective and sustainable practice, we are only providing a digital handbook. We will not be sending home a printed version. PACA’s Student Handbook is published at the beginning of each year with detailed guidelines and policies for school participation. It is revised annually and made available electronically as a PDF document. The handbook provides information so that you can develop an understanding of the general school rules/expectations and guidelines, such as attendance policies and practices, discipline information, parent involvement, dress code, and much more. During the course of the year, there might be items of interest that are not covered in this booklet. In these matters, the school administration will have the final word, seeking to have all things firmly rooted in God’s Word. When changes are made, we will post a revised copy to our web page and notify parents and guardians of the update. No handbook can totally cover all of the school’s numerous practices and procedures. Please don’t hesitate to ask for further information or assistance. We’re here to serve you. God is at work. In Christ, School Office |