Athletics: We Are Warriors!
Athletic Director’s Greeting
Our Athletics program's main focus is in preparing our Student-Athletes for life and creating an environment where Christ-like character can be developed. We believe that through competitive sports and the preparation necessary for competition, our student athletes will go through a wide range of experiences which deeply carryover to life and while doing so also develop Christian Character traits. Aside from developing our athletes physical and technical skills necessary for their specific sport, our coaches and myself included are deeply committed to developing in our athletes teamwork, discipline, work ethic, selfless sacrifice, and more importantly we encourage and challenge them in walking and growing in their personal relationship with our Father. Understanding the missional call for all of us as disciples of Jesus to be salt and light, games and tournaments also provide us with great moments to interact with other athletes and carry out our call. Even though winning is a goal and is an indicator of success in any athletic endeavor, what we really take pride in is seeing the personal growth which takes place in the lives of our students as they go through our program. Taking into consideration our students’ safety and wellbeing every year we prepare a specific schedule of practices, games and tournaments. In order to keep you informed of this and any other important information that may arise, we are committed to using the PACA website, PlusPortals, PACA’s Facebook page, letters and announcements in the Daily Bulletin and the PACA Weekly as means of communication. Your partnership and support are invaluable and necessary for the success of our program. When possible, please make time to come to our games and support our Warriors. If you have any questions please do not hesitate in reaching out to me via email at [email protected] or calling me at 5929 9520. In Christ, Renato Sousa --------------------------- PACA’s Approach to Athletics The athletic philosophy of a Christian school, which seeks to honor Jesus Christ, is to help students mature in their Christian walk and sportsmanship as well as pursue excellence in physical skills. It involves: (1) A subordination of individual preferences for the welfare of other team members and the team as a unit (2) Good physical conditioning (3) Proper respect for the authority of coaches and officials (4) Growth in being magnanimous in victory and gracious in defeat (5) Commitment to always playing within the rules (6) Perseverance These ingredients are not easily attained. They require a close, personal walk with the Lord Himself in the midst of athletic trials in order to become a part of the individual's athletic philosophy. The PACA athletic department has as its purpose the nurture of such a philosophy in the mind and heart of every Christian athlete who participates in the physical education program. |
Game Schedule for this Semester: |