Middle School and Beyond100 characters from classical mythology : discover the fascinating stories of the Greek and Roman deities Call #: 292.13 DAY Day, Malcolm. Published 2007 Interest Level: Adult Chronicles 100 of the most important characters from Greek and Roman mythology including the gods of Olympus, Peleus, and Odysseus; and traces the development of each generation of gods and how they have been represented in history, art, and literature. A revolução francesa Call #: PORT 741.5 REV texto e roteiro André Diniz ; ilustrações Daniel Brandão. Published 2008 A mesma revolução que anunciou a liberdade, a igualdade e a fraternidade e trouxe as sementes da democracia moderna também trouxe opressão, violência e terror. Danton, Robespierre, Marat e os demais protagonistas deste complexo capítulo da história mundial são retratados aqui em forma de história em quadrinhos. Gruber's complete SAT writing workbook Call #: 378.1 GRU Gruber, Gary R. Published 2009 Interest Level: Adult A workbook designed to help students prepare for the writing portion of the SAT, with an overview of grammar and usage, tips on identifying errors and improving sentences, an overview of the SAT essay scoring, expert advice on writing a good essay, and two practice writing tests. Citizens of the sea : wondrous creatures from the census of marine life Call #: 591.77 KNO Knowlton, Nancy. Published 2010 Interest Level: Adult An illustrated overview of several different species of marine animals discovered over the decade. Invertebrates Call #: 592 INV [editor, Tim Harris]. Series: Facts at your fingertips. Endangered animals Published 2011 Interest Level: Young Adult Describes various invertebrates that are endangered and at risk of becoming extinct. Data Sheet sidebars and maps accompany the text. The encyclopedia of world history : ancient, medieval, and modern, chronologically arranged Call #: REF 902 ENC Peter N. Stearns, general editor. Published 2001 Interest Level: Adult Chronologically arranged entries trace the history of the world, providing information on key figures, events, places, and developments; includes a CD-ROM which features the complete text of the encyclopedia. The chemistry of vat dyes Call #: 667.2 EPP Epp, Dianne N. Series: Palette of color monograph series Published 1995 Interest Level: Professional Describes the history and chemistry of vat dyes and presents related activities for chemistry classes, covering vat dye production, testing, and use. Joan of Arc : a military leader Call #: 92 JOA DeVries, Kelly, 1956- Published 2011 Interest Level: Adult Examines the military accomplishments of Joan of Arc, a fifteenth-century French girl who, inspired by heavenly voices, persuaded the Dauphin of France to put her in charge of troops fighting the English; and discusses the reasons why the soldiers of France were willing to follow her leadership. The harvest = La cosecha Call #: DVD 331.3 HAR a film by Roberto Romano. Published 2011 Every year there are more than 400,000 American children who are torn away from their friends, schools and homes to pick the food we all eat. Zulema, Perla and Victor labor as migrant farm workers, sacrificing their own childhoods to help their families survive. THE HARVEST/LA COSECHA profiles these three as they journey from the scorching heat of Texas onion fields to the winter snows of the Michigan apple orchards and back south to the humidity of Florida's tomato fields to follow the harvest. From the Producers of the Academy-Award® nominated film, WAR/DANCE and Executive Producer Eva Longoria, this award-winning documentary provides an intimate glimpse into the lives of these children who struggle to dream while working 12 14 hours a day, 7 days a week to feed America. The soul of education : helping students find connection, compassion, and character at school Call #: TR 373.17 KES Kessler, Rachael, 1946- Published 2000 Interest Level: Professional Explores the spiritual dimension of education, and discusses ways to nourish the spiritual development of adolescents in public schools without violating anyone's legal rights. Earth sciences for students. Volume 1, [Ab-Fl] Call #: 550 EAR E. Julius Dasch, editor in chief. Series: Macmillan science library for students Published 1999 Interest Level: Adult Contains entries that provide information about topics within the many subdisciplines of earth science, and includes articles on the history of the earth sciences, employment opportunities, and notable earth scientists of the past. Arranged alphabetically from Ab-to-Fl. Earth sciences for students. Volume 2, [Fo-Me] Call #: 550 EAR E. Julius Dasch, editor in chief. Series: Macmillan science library for students Published 1999 Interest Level: Adult Contains entries that provide information about topics within the many subdisciplines of earth science, and includes articles on the history of the earth sciences, employment opportunities, and notable earth scientists of the past. Arranged alphabetically from Fo-to-Me. Earth sciences for students. Volume 3, [Me-Se] Call #: 550 EAR E. Julius Dasch, editor in chief. Series: Macmillan science library for students Published 1999 Interest Level: Adult Contains entries that provide information about topics within the many subdisciplines of earth science, and includes articles on the history of the earth sciences, employment opportunities, and notable earth scientists of the past. Arranged alphabetically from Me-to-Se. Earth sciences for students. Volume 4, [Sh-Wo, index]
Call #: 550 EAR E. Julius Dasch, editor in chief. Series: Macmillan science library for students Published 1999 Interest Level: Adult Contains entries that provide information about topics within the many subdisciplines of earth science, and includes articles on the history of the earth sciences, employment opportunities, and notable earth scientists of the past. Arranged alphabetically from Sh-to-Wo. Leave a Reply. |